Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reasons for Attending College or University

Reasons for Attending College or University Summary:Â  People attend college or university for many different reasons, such as new experiences, career preparation, and increased knowledge. Many people attend colleges and universities all over the world to study and conduct research. What are their expectations of the academic experience? In my opinion, people involved in collegiate programs have two main purposes: to gain the experiences and certificates that prepare them for future careers and to increase their knowledge about different aspects of life.Many people desire stable careers that deeply affect their lives. Therefore, good preparation for a future career is a necessity. To maintain and promote your position at a company, especially in certain kinds of jobs, you must have the knowledge and experiences that come from attending a college or university. The skills, spirit, and confidence you gain from studying help equip you for your work. Moreover, it is easier to find a goo d job when you have qualified certificates.Many well-educated people can carry out their tasks smoothly and methodically with more economization of time and strength than people who manage their work by learning from their failures. Another advantage of attending a college or university is the relationships you build with other people. These relationships help you improve yourself. In a collegiate environment, you learn how to work in groups and how to cooperate with your partners.You also learn to achieve mutual understanding, an essential and useful skill in your future work. The second reason for attending a college or university, increasing knowledge about many aspects of life, might seem a little impractical, but it is, in fact, very practical. Some people have the misconception that studying in college provides them only with knowledge relating directly to their major and that getting certificates is the most important purpose of attending college.With those goals in mind, the y often neglect subjects that don't seem to be applicable to their work. However, knowledge from college is not just useful for your job; it also is useful for many other things in life. For example, people with basic knowledge about literature, history, art, psychology, etc. might enjoy their lives more than unlearned people. They also might overcome difficulties and stress more easily, as well as have an acceptable and optimistic attitude toward obstacles and failures in their lives.Furthermore, cultivated people might treat others in their communities with more regard. Nothing you study in college is useless, and increasing knowledge is as important as getting certificates. The more knowledge you have, the more poetic your life is. Generally speaking, it's always necessary to have a good education. In addition to obtaining the appropriate certificates, attending a college or university gives you a great opportunity to learn about many different things on both macroscopic and micr oscopic levels.While the specific reasons people attend colleges and universities might differ, the fundamental purposes are the same: they want to obtain the necessary training and education for their future careers and they want to learn about a variety of different subjects that will apply to their lives outside their future careers. Therefore, everyone who chooses to attend a college or university should always strive to reach their goals and aspirations. This section contains 509 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)| |

Ashlyfive point linguistic star Essay

We’ve allowed a natural approach to language instruction to dominate our schools, hoping our English learners â€Å"will just figure it out. † (SCOE, 2009) This approach suggested by Kevin Clark proposes that teachers explicitly teach ELL by giving them a set of skills. Teacher will have to teach students not just vocabulary, but the sound system of language, the words and their word parts and meanings, and also rules for structuring sentences grammatically. Teaching students from this perspective can support a deeper understanding of the language. When the  concept is thoroughly supported by background knowledge, explanation as to why, activities that strengthen skills, and consistency in lesson structure that follows this pattern, students are more likely to understand the concept and create a platform from which to launch higher level thinking and conclusions on following concepts and content area. Students learn more efficiently when they have prior knowledge on a presented concept. If the student can link content to a concept that they gained from previous knowledge on from their own unique background or culture, it  will inevitably spark interest in that subject area. By sparking interest the teacher is now adding value to the lesson. Since students synonymize interest with value, the teacher would prove effective. Now a sense of purpose has now been infused into the lesson, and the student/students may begin to contribute more. (NCREL, 1990) This approach is rather intriguing, and teachers should be trained in linguistics prior to teaching ELLs. I would learn the subparts of linguistics via a course: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. By learning each subpart in-depth, I can better compose lesson plans and activities that explore those areas for the ELLs to better benefit. Understanding the mechanics of a language is just as important as understanding the language itself, for both teachers and students. The concept of prior knowledge should not be limited to the students but 2 LINGUISTIC APPROACH teachers should utilize this concept for their own effective instruction. If teachers have prior knowledge of the subparts of the English language, as well as knowledge of the diverse cultures  he/she is instructing can help the teacher create and blend a comprehensive and student-inclusive lesson plan and curriculum. Prior knowledge influences how the teacher and students interact with the learning materials as both individuals and a group. (Kujawa and Huske, 1995) Prior knowledge assists in segue of appropriate instruction and retention, because it is a foundation from which to build from and facilitates the idea of making sense of the educational experience. As the students are learning from the linguistic perspective, especially under syntax and  semantics, students would be primed for grammatical instruction, also. As they learn how, where and when to use appropriate vocabulary, I will insert instruction on main grammatical principles and rules and branch off into further instruction where applicable. I would try to make sound non-confusing connections with the native language grammatical principles, so there is a prior knowledge foundation established in that arena as well. I would also have a grammar day in the middle of the week to review prior concepts and morph new grammar lessons into the lesson  plan and utilize formative assessment strategies to see what needs to be reviewed and further defined. 3 LINGUISTIC APPROACH References Kujawa, S. , & Huske, L. (1995). The Strategic Teaching and Reading Project guidebook (Rev. ed. ). Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Restructuring to promote learning in America’s schools, videoconference #2: The thinking curriculum. (1990). Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Sonoma County Office of Education. (2009) Structuring language instruction to advance stalled English learners. Aiming High Resource. Retrieved September 16 2014. 4

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Notes Apush Chapter 16 a People and a Nation

Chapter 16 – Reconstruction: An Unfinished Revolution, 1865-1877 I. Introduction The end of the Civil War brought profound changes to the United States. Reconstruction changed some things, but it did little regarding social equality and political turmoil. In the end, the government established black suffrage, but this reform proved insufficient to remake the South or to guarantee human rights. II. Wartime Reconstruction A. Lincoln’s 10 Percent Plan Lincoln planned for a swift and moderate Reconstruction process.Under his 10 Percent Plan, he proposed that as soon as 10 percent of the voting population in the 1860 election took an oath and established a government, it would be recognized. Replaced majority with loyal rule, promised pardons to ex-confeds B. Congress and the Wade-Davis Bill Congress was not happy Lincoln didn’t consult them. Responding negatively to Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan, Thaddeus Stevens advocated a â€Å"conquered province† th eory, the South waged war as a foreign nation, thus, they should be treated like one, and Charles Sumner advanced a â€Å"state suicide† theory.In July 1864, Congress passed the Wade-Davis bill by which the process of readmission to the Union was to be harsh and slow. Lincoln pocket-vetoed the bill. Wade-David Bill- To reenter the Union 1. A majority of white males had to participate in government 2. To vote or be a delegate in Constitutional conventions they had to take an ironclad (oath saying they never supported the confederacy) 3. All ranks above Lieutenant couldn’t become citizens of the United States C. Thirteenth Amendment and the Freedmen’s Bureau Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment on January 31, 1865.On March 3, 1865, Congress created the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands to aid southern refugees- provided food, medical services, schooling, and jobs for refugees. Petitions were started by women and the public, the amendment outlaw ed involuntary slavery and said the govn’t couldn’t change it The landscape was in ruins along with the economy, many families faced starvation III. The Meanings of Freedom A. The Feel of Freedom Many former slaves began to explore freedom by searching for family members or exercising their right of mobility. Others reacted more cautiously.Most settled as workers on their former farms or plantation but attempted to control the conditions of their labor. B. Reunion of African American Families Relying on the black community in the South, thousands of former slaves began odysseys to find family members. Ads were put in the papers. C. Blacks’ Search for Independence Many blacks tried to avoid contact with overbearing whites by abandoning their slave quarters and relocating their houses. Some even established all-black settlements. They wanted the sense of freedom D. African Americans’ Desire for LandNext to freedom, blacks wanted land most of all. Since they could not secure solid support in the North, however, few obtained their dream of independence. Blacks were given land but President Johnson took it away and gave it back to the Whites. They wanted a secure promise the land would still be theirs after they cultivated it E. The Black Embrace of Education Many African Americans eagerly sought an education. They paid $1-1. 50 a month for education if needed. They really wanted to learn. Federal aid and northern charity helped start thousands of schools for freedmen in the South.Many black leaders were very well educated; they established many universities and colleges alongside the whites. F. Growth of Black Churches In an effort to gain more independence from whites, African Americans established their own churches, which became the social center of their new freedom. Black establishments used to be hidden; now they could freely worship. The church was the wealthiest institution in Black life. G. Rise of the Sharecropping System Blac ks could not get credit, and sharecropping became widespread.Sharecropping was where the landowner would receive payment by the crop grown on their land, usually half would be given to them and the other half would be for the black farmer. Owners often cheated their tenants. The main crop was cotton which lost its value IV. Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan A. Who Was Andrew Johnson? Johnson was the only senator from a seceded state (Tennessee) who refused to follow his state out of the Union. At heart he was really a Jacksonian Democrat, not a Republican. He believed in limited government and was a white supremacist. As a senator he favored the small farmers over the aristocrats. B.Johnson’s Leniency and Racial Views Johnson’s belief that black suffrage could never be imposed on a southern state by the federal government put him on a collision course with the Radical Republicans. C. Johnson’s Pardon Policy Johnson hoped to keep prewar leaders from participat ing in the Reconstructed South. Nevertheless, he ended up pardoning most of them and thus restored the old elite. People had to apply directly to Johnson for pardoning. He appointed his own governors to keep the old ones out of power. Only southerners who took the oath of loyalty could vote for or against reconstruction so there was little opposition in the votes.Unpardoned men and former slave couldn’t vote. Many former elites were returned into power, even the VP of the confederacy D. Black Codes Johnson’s pardons upset many Republicans, but the discriminatory black codes revealed the depth of southern defiance. Blacks had to abide by the rules of their landowners, almost returning them to their slave status. V. The Congressional Reconstruction Plan Congress had the power of admission of states. They believed they had the right to change and alter the reconstruction plans. What was the relationship between the South and Union now that the war happened?Conservatives b elieved that the South was conquered and it was subject to the rule of the conquering country. A. The Radicals The Radicals wanted to transform the South, and they were willing to exclude it from the Union until they had achieved their goal. By refusing to work with conservative and moderate Republicans, Johnson and the Democrats forced them to work with the Radicals. B. Congress Wrests Control from Johnson Congress worked to extend the Freedmen’s Bureau and to pass a civil rights law counteracting the black codes. Johnson vetoed these bills, ending hopes of compromise.This showed Johnson’s own racism against colored people C. The Fourteenth Amendment This amendment gave citizenship to freedmen, prohibited states from interfering with constitutional rights, declared the Confederate war debt null and void, barred Confederate leaders from holding state and federal office, and punished any state that restricted extension of the right to vote to black men. This was a major move in African American rights. It excluded women altogether in the right to vote and gained much protest from women’s rights groups. D. The South’s and Johnson’s Defiance, 1866At the urging of President Johnson, all southern states except Tennessee rejected the Fourteenth Amendment. Having won overwhelmingly in the 1866 congressional elections, Republicans decided to form new southern state governments. Johnson personally went and spoke about how Radicals were traitors for taking over reconstruction E. The Reconstruction Acts of 1867-1868 Congress set up five military districts in the South, guaranteed freedmen the right to vote in elections for state constitutional conventions, required congressional approval of all new state constitutions, and declared that southern states must accept the Fourteenth Amendment.First Reconstruction Act admitted all states back into the Union. F. The Failure of Land Redistribution Thaddeus Stevens (radical) failed to win appro val for his plan to confiscate and redistribute land in the former Confederate states. G. Constitutional Crisis Congress passed a number of controversial laws, including the Tenure of Office Act (gave the senate the power to approve changes in the president’s cabinet), by overriding presidential vetoes. Johnson proceeded to take several belligerent steps, including removal of Secretary of War Stanton and giving power to civil governments and the military.These all got vetoed by Johnson then overridden by a 2/3 vote in congress.. Congressional tyranny? H. Impeachment of President Johnson After Johnson removed Secretary of War Stanton, Congress impeached the president. This had been tried twice before. Although acquitted in the Senate, Johnson suffered politically. I. Election of 1868 Grant, a supporter of congressional Reconstruction and of black suffrage in the South, won the 1868 presidential election against Horatio Seymour. Republicans supported congressional reconstructio n and black suffrage in the South where Democrats supported white supremacy and denounced reconstruction J.Fifteenth Amendment In 1869, Radicals succeeded in passing the Fifteenth Amendment, which prohibited denying the right to vote based on â€Å"race, color, or previous condition of servitude. † Voting rights of women could still be denied and other tests could be enacted to deny voting to other groups. With this many saw reconstruction as finished. VI. Reconstruction Politics in the South A. White Resistance Whites in the South resisted Reconstruction. Some denied freedom to their slaves, while others prevented blacks from getting land. B.Black Voters and Emergence of a Southern Republican Party Thanks to a large black voter turnout and restrictions on prominent Confederates, a new southern Republican Party controlled the state constitutional conventions of 1868-1870. C. Triumph of Republican Governments Republican victory in the South meant that for the first time black citizens gained political office. Southern Republicans worked to build white support for the party. D. Industrialization Republican governments tried to industrialize the South, but higher taxes for that purpose drew money away from education and other reforms.E. Republican Policies on Racial Equality Economic progress remained uppermost in the minds of most southern blacks. They accepted segregated facilities in return for other opportunities. F. The Myth of â€Å"Negro Rule† Southern Conservatives used economic and social pressure on blacks as well as inflammatory racist propaganda to undermine congressional Reconstruction. G. Carpetbaggers and Scalawags In their propaganda, Conservatives labeled northerners seeking economic opportunity as â€Å"carpetbaggers† and white southerners who supported the Republicans as â€Å"scalawags. H. Tax Policy and Corruption as Political Wedges Although an increase in taxes was necessary just to maintain traditional services, Repub lican tax policies aroused strong opposition. The corruption with which Republicans were charged was often true. I. Ku Klux Klan The Ku Klux Klan terrorized black leaders in an effort to curb their support for the Republicans. J. Failure of Reconstruction A number of things brought about the collapse of the Republican regimes, forcing them out of office before they instituted social and economic reforms. VII.Reconstruction Reversed A. Political Implications of Klan Terrorism Congress passed two Enforcement Acts in 1870 and 1871 in an effort to counteract Klan violence. The laws were enforced selectively. Congressional opponents of these laws charged that Congress was infringing on states’ rights. B. The Liberal Republican Revolt Although Grant won reelection in 1872, the revolt of the Liberal Republicans in conjunction with opposition from the Democrats reinforced Grant’s desire to avoid confrontation with white southerners. C. A General AmnestyIn 1872, Congress offere d amnesty to most remaining former Confederates, and in 1875 it offered a watered-down Civil Rights Act that the Supreme Court eventually struck down. D. Reconciliation and Industrial Expansion Both industrialization and immigration surged in the years immediately after the Civil War. Then came the Panic of 1873. E. Greenbacks Versus Sound Money Many Americans wanted to keep â€Å"greenbacks† in circulation, but Grant, along with many Congressmen, industrialists, and financiers, supported sound money. F. Judicial Retreat from ReconstructionSupreme Court decisions, by narrowing the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment and by denying equal rights, encouraged the northern retreat from Reconstruction. G. Disputed Election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877 The disputed election between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden resulted in the Compromise of 1877, effectively ending Reconstruction in the South. H. Betrayal of Black Rights and the Exodusters Tens of thousands of southern African Americans felt betrayed by the election of 1876 and decided to leave the South where they could no longer hope for equal rights.

Monday, July 29, 2019

De Beers - Blood Diamonds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

De Beers - Blood Diamonds - Essay Example After creation of social legislation in 1970s, employees, environment, and consumers are recognised as legitimate stakeholders of companies and every decision of the company must incorporate them. For instance, a firm involved in building a school for its workers children will be undertaking its social responsibility. In another case, by innovating in new ways of manufacturing its products that are friendlier to the environment, a company will also be undertaking its social responsibility as it maximises its profits. This paper discusses De beer-Black Diamonds company’s ways of undertaking its social responsibilities. Carroll Model Early theologians tried to define company social responsibility. For instance, J.M Clark emphasized the importance of transparency in business dealings and emphasized that men must take responsibility of their own actions whether the law recognised it or not (CSR Quest, 2012, P.1). In 1960, Keith Davis suggested that, â€Å"social responsibility re fers to businesses decisions and actions taken for reasons at least partially beyond the firm’s direct economic or technical interest† (CBE, 1991, P.1). Carroll Model is similar to the suggestions of these two theologians. He conceived CSR as divided into four obligatory parts namely, economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary. The major responsibility that shareholders vests on the company managers is to increase the economic value of their assets. Therefore, businesses must work hard to earn profits to keep the company going. In all its undertakings, the company must do so in accordance to the laws of the land. The third responsibility is for corporate companies to do what is right, just, fair, and avoid harm to employees and the neighbourhoods. Lastly, a corporate company is expected to contribute its resources towards improving the life of the surrounding community (Slide share, 2009, P.1). For instance, at the place of mining, there is no good Medicare for the min ers. A mining company may build a hospital or a community clinic where its workers can access medical services. Background Information of the Company De Beers is an international company that operates mines in South Africa, Tanzania, Botswana, Canada, and Namibia. It dominates the Diamond world in open-pit mining, underground, large-scale alluvial and deep-sea mining. It has existed for more than 100 years now and has spent lots of money to advertise the diamond products it produces as a symbol of love, purity, and beauty. De Beers acquired its monopolistic powers before the twentieth century via buying individual diamond dealers and spoiled the market for those who could not join in. However, this monopoly ended in 2000 after Russian entry in the market. De Beers Company employs about 20,000 employees around the world. It sells the rough diamonds through Diamond Trading Company and $5.9bn sales were recorded in 2007. The company sells its finished jewels through a joint venture wit h French Luxury Goods Products Today the company is acquiring a new name â€Å"Blood diamonds† or â€Å"conflict diamonds† since the African nation that hold most of its mining grounds want to reclaim their lands. There are so many disputes and blood shed over the mining grounds and it is believed that the weapon used in these fights comes from the west. According to Durham, â€Å"

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Compulsory Land Acquisition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Compulsory Land Acquisition - Essay Example By the term public uses means, it can be for setting up educational institutions, health centre, widening roads or site for airport construction, etc. The issuing authority generally is central government but if motive is restricted to only particular state then state government handles the matter. Through government, sometimes societies registered under societies registration act2 or co-operatives under co-operative societies act also can participate for land acquisition. Before going into detail it is better to get acquainted with some important terms. "Date of acquisition" is the date on which a notice of acquisition in relation to land is published in Government Gazette. Or, if an interest is acquired by agreement, the date on which the interest vests in the Authority pursuant to the agreement3. Notice of intention to acquire is a notice that authority must serve upon each person who has an interest in the land, or is empowered by the purpose of special act to sell and convey or grant and release or lease such an interest4. Notice is not required in certain special cases like, if interest has been publicly advertised for sale and authority is sure about its availability by the time they want to acquire it. Property is located at General Holmes Drive, Botany and owner of that is Nice Corner Pty. Ltd. ... "Date of acquisition" is the date on which a notice of acquisition in relation to land is published in Government Gazette. Or, if an interest is acquired by agreement, the date on which the interest vests in the Authority pursuant to the agreement3. Notice of acquisition, according to this act means a notice regarding an interest in land publishing in the Government Gazette. Notice of intention to acquire is a notice that authority must serve upon each person who has an interest in the land, or is empowered by the purpose of special act to sell and convey or grant and release or lease such an interest4. Notice is not required in certain special cases like, if interest has been publicly advertised for sale and authority is sure about its availability by the time they want to acquire it. 3) Land Particulars Property is located at General Holmes Drive, Botany and owner of that is Nice Corner Pty. Ltd. That specified area measures 1 Hectare. Site is mostly commercial. Commonwealth has found interest on this property after seeing its best location nearby airport which can serve the purpose of recent airport and planned runway extension. Owner has Development Consent approval (DA) for a building. Before lodging DA, stage 1 of the building was leased by Cool Parachutes Pty Ltd. for an initial duration of 15 years with two 5 years options. As per the tenders received it is expected that commencement of this agreement will be from 1st November, 2007. 4) General Description The site on General Holmes Drive, Botany joins a rail corridor on the edge of land which is favorable for airport uses. Land has several improvements. Stage one is a steel framed building of 1500 square meters, he purpose of which is to accommodate lessee's

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Employment Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employment Law - Research Paper Example Having independent contractors makes the business owners to avoid paying some accounting burdens such as overtime charges, workers compensations, health insurance costs, pension plans, and other employee benefits i.e. off duties, time rest periods like lunch breaks, and meals allowances. The business is also able to avoid such employees cost fulfilling business laws and regulations and the necessary charges. However, many workers may also decide to independent contractors in order to reduce expenses that employees face such as individual income tax return. Given all these benefits of classifying employees as independent contractors, what is the reason why employers would not treat his workers as independent employers? This is may be because of the consequences that may result if the Internal Revenue Service or even court finds out that a certain worker is an employee rather than independent contractor (Berson 50). If IRS gets an employer in such situation, the employer will pay full amounts for FICA portion, unemployment taxes, and compensation to the employee during the period in question. Additionally, all involved business directors and officers will be required to pay a penalty of 100% for the compensation of all withholding taxes, which are not paid. Following the recent introduction of the Employee Misclassification Prevention Law, and the preferred increment of $25 million dollars in 2014 federal budget for the labor department, employers can be sure of increased inspection by the government on classification of workers (Emerson 254). The Internal Revenue Services has also made announcement of inspecting over 6,000 businesses in the next three years in the firms, which are believed to have high rate of workers misclassification. Those employers who will be guilty will be forced to pay the set penalties. Although the mentioned industries by the Internal Revenue Service does not include, insurance, those employers found to use reasonable number of independ ent contractors will be a highly targeted. This will happen to be a great loss to such employers because of the penalties payments. In addition to such tax consequences due to worker misclassification as an independent contractor, if the law court was to make such determinations of whether a particular worker is not an independent contractor, the business owners will be subject to pay the claims that the worker could get. Such claims include; health allowances, retirement pension, and other employees’ fringe of benefits. The business will have to pay these benefits out of its own revenues. For instance, if such a worker was injured while working in business, the business will be liable to pay compensations to that particular worker and other benefits that the worker would have received from insurance if he had been a member of worker’s compensation insurance. The business may also be subject to suffering, pain, punitive, and pay penalties for failing to register its wo rkers with the worker’s compensation insurance coverage. Therefore, it is now easy to understand why an employer must be keen when making decisions on whether to classify a particular worker as employee or independent contractor. An error in classifying a certain worker as an independent contractor, instead of employee may be very expensive to both the business and the owner. Generally, business owners should use the â€Å"common law† definition of employment to determine whether to classi

Friday, July 26, 2019

Team Nietzsche Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Team Nietzsche - Essay Example By automating the ordering of parts directly from the parts manufacturing will cut down on the delay of customer shipments. W4. Conduct a time study to review the tasks within the engineering and manufacturing departments and also the workflow between them to improve scheduling efficiency and determine whether any buffers can be achieved. Review the possibility of paralleling tasks within each department or from engineering. The work process of first-come, first served, should be reviewed to determine whether a more efficient process can be created to improve response, and decrease dependency on the existing linear flow. Paralleling tasks may help. P1. Henry must provide more autonomy and empowerment to his Managers. He must also lead as a role model by encouraging that rules and structures are adhered to. Henry must be provided with the company's manual with respect to how they expect manager's to govern their departments. P2. Ron must be given more autonomy and empowerment to manage his responsibilities. He requires further management training to develop his skills by becoming more familiar with the business and the products. Ron must be trained in current conflict management methodologies that are outlined in the company manuals. Ron needs to be provided with incentives to ensure that he is reinforcing company values and goals. P3. Lily Crofton's personality and management style lead her to be an ineffectual leader. She tends to focus more on rules than achieving growth. P3. Provide Lily with incentives to increase her motivation, performance, and reinforce company goals and values. Lily should be given training to improve her leadership skills, and conflict management skills. P4. Reuban King's personality and management style conflict and leads to an ineffectual management style. P4. Provide Reuban with incentives to increase his motivation, performance, and reinforce company goals and values. Ron should be given training to improve his leadership skills, and conflict management skills. P5. Wahid lacks the motivation to influence others to meet deadlines and to realign his department's goals with the goals of the company. His personality and culture reflects polychromic views pertaining to time and

Literary Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Literary Analysis - Essay Example As might be expected from such a summary, the action of the story goes much deeper than the simple activities of a woman tending her favorite plants within the strictly defined space of a cottage garden. Steinbeck’s fluid style and gentle suggestive use of language highlights a deeper meaning to the story, particularly when the reader reaches the final lines in which it is seen that Elisa is â€Å"crying weakly – like an old woman.† With his use of imagery and action, Steinbeck highlights Elisa Allen’s isolation and frustration both within her garden and through her relationships with others such as the tinker and her husband, Henry. Elisa’s garden quickly illustrates the degree to which Elisa herself is isolated from the rest of the world. Elisa, like her flowers, is completely enclosed within the garden space which is marked by a low fence. This fence stands between her and the other characters throughout much of the story. This is symbolic of how she is enclosed and isolated from the rest of the world. This isolation is also emphasized by the setting described: â€Å"The high grey-flannel fog of winter closed off the [valley] from the sky and all the rest of the world.  Ã‚  On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley a closed pot† (Steinbeck). This setting indicates that even if she were to leave the garden, Elisa would still find herself cut off from the rest of society. Her isolation is also made clear as she watches her husband talk to strangers not far away but is prevented, by custom and expectation, from joining them despite her own curiosity about what they are saying. In a similar way, Steinbeck forces the reader to make a mental link between the chrysanthemums in the garden and Elisa’s tremendous frustration with her life. He does this first by pointing out the manner in which she works with the flowers, â€Å"The chrysanthemum stems seemed too small and easy for her energy†

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Prepare a report to the Managing Director, including appropriate links Essay

Prepare a report to the Managing Director, including appropriate links to theory, detailing the strategy for the planning and control of the research and development department - Essay Example Budgeting is effective in dealing with unanticipated expenses and emergencies. Once a plan is in place it can be used for measuring the progress of goal achievement (Freedom Debt Management, n.d.; College of Business Administration, 2008). At the time of preparing the budgets it is important to categorize the expenses such as fixed expenses, variable expenses and discretionary expenses. The discretionary expenses are not absolutely necessary for business survival. Necessary adjustments are done in these form of expenses i.e. they are reduced to honour the other types of expenditures. In any business there are two types of costs discretionary costs and non-discretionary costs. It is easy to understand the discretionary costs like payment of rent or electric bill but the discretionary costs are less clear. The discretionary costs include the alteration, construction, research and development etc. Besides the discretionary and non-discretionary costs there are other types of costs such as controllable and uncontrollable costs. So a budget comprises of costs that are discretionary, non-discretionary, controllable and uncontrollable (Cotts & Rondeau, 2004, pp. 59). Budget conveys the authority of the manager to allocate a specified amount on the items that are enlisted in the budget. The appropriations in the budget act as the benchmark for a comparison with the costs that are actually incurred. Expenditures of a budgeted category are matched with the pre-set amounts in deciding any over or under spending of funds and if needed corrective action are initiated (KU School of Social Welfare, n.d.). For the control of discretionary costs the top management must translate the policies and objectives that it considers vital for the organizational success. The management then must make a plan of the spending relating to the discretionary activities that will help in achieving the defined business objectives. There can be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

EVENT PLANNER Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

EVENT PLANNER - Assignment Example With my goal of starting and running an event planning business, I have decided to pick an organization in the same business category of event planning and design. The organization I will be reviewing is known as Joyful Occasions. It is an event planning and design firm located in Columbus, GA 31901. The company is a â€Å"multi-faceted, full-service event planning company that offers services throughout Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina† (Eventective, 2013). The company’s primary market area includes planning, styling and catering for weddings, birthdays, corporate events, business lunches and office parties, military retirement parties, hail and farewells among other events (Joyful Occasions, 2013). I currently do not have a direct link to the company and their services; however, I have vast interest in their line of business as I have mentioned. Being a medium sized business that serves a wide region Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, information about the comp any can easily be outsourced from their website and their customer care hotline or inquiry email address, which are readily available on their website. I will utilize these essential tools in gathering information about the organization. Business Process A business process refers to related activities that generate or produce a particular product or service, with the main aim being to satisfy the customer. In running a business, there are three key business processes that ensure continuous productivity of an organization whether profit or non-profit making. These processes include management, operational, and supporting processes (Harmon, 2007). Under these three categories of business processes, many other processes can be established depending on the service or product at hand. When an organization is significantly large, it becomes necessary to adapt new strategies to manage these processes. It is for this reason that adopting Business Process Management (BPM) becomes necessary. As stated by Jeston and Nelis, (2008) â€Å"achieving an organization’s objectives requires improvement, management, and control of essential business processes. Event Planning Event planning is an operational level business process aimed at creating the core business or primary service offered by event planning and catering organizations. In relation to Joyful Occasions, the main objective in event planning is to turn peoples’ dreams into reality. This is achievable by ensuring that they do not feel the stressful and tiring experience of organizing and managing their events. They therefore, get to enjoy their special occasions or work experiences while exhibiting their unique personality and style (Joyful Occasions, 2013). Event planning is a process that can be broken down into several steps from the beginning of the process to the end. These stages include Pre-planning At this stage, information is gathered about the event including the pur pose, size of the event, audience, client requirements and realistic expectation of the event. Planning This is the most important stage as it paints the real picture of what is required for the event and what is going to happen at the event. At this stages, budget is created, formal documentation are prepared, locate the venue and establish a contract

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Men in Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Men in Nursing - Research Paper Example The creation of special research departments in a growing number of education institutions, hospital and organization are also helpful to future nurses. Greater emphasis is put on research in the undergraduate programs. There is also a surging demand for Acute Care Nurse Practitioners, who provide care in various critical situations, where the patients have advanced, acute or chronic problems. Multilevel system of training of nursing staff enhances the quality of health services and reduces the economic costs of medical personnel training. Nowadays more and more men inter the profession of nursing. It is important to increase the level of professional responsibility of nurse business professionals and expand the range of nursing services. Key words: nursing trends, nursing issues, medical personnel. MEN IN NURSING Even the most proud and self-sufficient people become vulnerable, when they are sick. The patient wants to be treated not only by means of tablets, droppers and injections, he or she also need to have some moral support. After all, it is true that those people recover faster, who really believe in healing. By choosing profession, a nurse chooses a difficult path of providing help and support, caring as the mother of the patient. A nurse is a very common and essential profession; it assumes the presence of certain moral and psychological qualities of a person, who chooses this responsible profession, and the necessary training. Faithful followers of F. Nightingale ideas actively promoted the introduction of nursing education in colleges and universities of western countries. Despite the fact that the first university courses of the similar direction appeared in the U.S. in the late XIX century, the significant increase in their numbers occurred only after the Second World War, because the war clearly showed the significance of skilled nursing care (Snodgrass, 2004). In recent decades, the approach to the profession of nursing has changed worldwide. In the early 1990's, many European countries introduced higher nursing education. World Health Organization (WHO) and International Council of Nurses have contributed to the development of nursing as a science in Europe. Even the Reports Series â„â€" 347of WHO put the stress on the fact that nurses should be less dependent in their actions, should have a higher qualification training, in addition, they need to develop professional thinking that would allow them to make their own decisions based on scientific knowledge. At the present time the range of medical services is constantly expanding; there are medical institutions of various forms of ownership, day care, developing palliative medicine. The latter includes hospices, which provide medical assistance and care to patients with severe incurable disease and to dying patients, as well (D'Antonio, 2010). To assist such patients the nurses should possess analytical thinking, the ability to develop and implement a plan of medical sur vey, MEN IN NURSING nursing care, or necessary medical procedures in accordance with the technologies for their implementation, besides they should be able to justify their actions scientifically. The creation of special research departments in a growing number of education institutions, hospital and organization are also helpful to future nurses. Greater emphasis is put on research in the undergraduate programs (Stokowski, 2009, p.354). â€Å"There is also a surging demand for Acute Care Nurse Practitioners, who

Monday, July 22, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Example for Free

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Since ancient times, promoters of justice have brought into play rhetorical strategies to persuade their opponents. On April 16, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter regarding the criticism several clergymen made, stating that the movements of nonviolent resistance to racism from Dr. King were â€Å"unwise and untimely†. In this letter King uses several rhetorical strategies but mainly he makes use of 3. In the first one, King uses an outside authority (Religion), given the fact that he is trying to persuade Christians. Second, Dr.  King appeals to emotion (Ethos), he tries to appeal to their human and goodness side. Third, King employs analogies to emphasize his argument against racism. With these three rhetorical strategies he tries to persuade the clergymen to take action on the injustice that is upon Birmingham against the Negroes. As stated previously, outside authority was used by Dr. King to appeal the clergymen of the racism taking action. Religion has the power to move such an enormous amount of people and this has been proven since the dawn of time. He know that this man obey the laws of God, knowing this he mentions he came to Birmingham for a good reason by saying Just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco-Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own home town. (King, 819) With this quote he is making a religious analogy to make the clergymen understand that he is there for a good cause, a cause that is as good as Apostle Paul’s. Later on the letter, King compared his actions with Jesus Christ’s when he was called an extremist. But though I was initially disappointed at being categorized as an extremist, as I continued to think about the matter I gradually gained a measure of satisfaction from the label. Was not Jesus an extremist for love? (826) This is also a religious analogy, and here he wants to deliver the message of peace by comparing his actions with the ones Jesus did. He wants to make the clergymen understand that the one they follow would have done the same. Subsequently, Dr. King employs the rhetorical strategy called Ethos, which means emotion. He uses this tactics to make the clergymen see that the ones they’re segregating are not less than any other human being; he tries to appeal to their good side. King says â€Å"Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation say waitâ€Å"(821) And he then proceeds to quote his son who says â€Å"Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean? To make a point; make him see what an innocent mind thinks and how it affects him. He then proceeds to say When you take a cross country drive and find it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because no motel will accept you; when you are humiliated day in day out by nagging signs reading â€Å"white† and â€Å"colored†; when your first name becomes â€Å"nigger† and your middle name becomes â€Å"boy† and your last name becomes â€Å"John†, and your wife and mother are never given the respected title â€Å"Mrs. Then you’ll understand why we find difficult to longer willing to wait. (King, 821-822) These are one of the most powerful words this letter has to offer, he emphasizes what a negroe has to suffer day by day. King mentions this to make the clergymen see what it feels like to be segregated, to make them see how unjust it is. Throughout the entire essay Dr. King uses analogies to make his argument sound stronger and emphasize it. Not only does he uses religious analogies he uses historical analogies and geographical. He compares the USA with Africa and Asia â€Å"The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jetlike speed toward gaining †¦ independence, but we still creep at horse-and-buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter. † (King, 821) he makes this analogy so they understand that other continents are already far beyond them, that this should have been dealt long ago. Later on he defends himself of the accusations of breaking the law for a good cause. He says â€Å"We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was illegal. With this analogy he tries to let them know laws are not always correct and thus they have to be changes, and therefore the prohibition of segregation. In conclusion, King uses several rhetorical strategies to convince the clergymen that his actions are not â€Å"unwise and untimely† but the opposite. He gives them reasons to listen to him and convince them. The most important rhetorical strategies where religious appeal, emotion appeal and analogies. With this mix of rhetorical strategies he makes this letter one of the most important piece for the civil right movement.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role of a Software Developer

Role of a Software Developer Some people spend years of time knuckled down to study at the university campus, and hope to be able to find an ideal satisfactory work after graduation. However, when truly enter into society after they found difficult to get a good job, a large gap between the ideal and the reality. If you are seeking employment could not find a good job on the road, good attitude then adjust, modify their expectations, expand their circle of communication, so that you can get more information. We must first understand our strengths; know what is doing better, so we need from the grassroots level, step-by-step learning, progress, let our work be your career! The Merriam-Webster dictionary is defined as a sharp conflict of interests or perspectives of different views or objections. Whenever people work together, conflict is a part of doing business. The conflict is a normal and natural part of any workplace. When it occurs, there is a tendency to reduce the impact on morale and the increase of the rate of absenteeism and reduced productivity. It is estimated that managers spend at least 25% of the time to resolve work conflicts leading to lower office performance. 1. Jobs of the dreams Everyone is worth having a fun, and be able to bring a sense of accomplishment and rewards work; a use of the talent and ability to work a let us look forward to the work, a challenge themselves to reach higher achievement job. If you work now without enthusiasm, it is likely you do not know that they really want, or you have not found the inner courage and motivation to pursue your dreams. Personal Qualities Personal qualities are personal characteristics of an individual. They are what make up ones personality. They help a person get along in a new situation. For example, dependability and patience are qualities that employers would like a good worker to have. Other qualities employers value are: honesty, assertiveness, flexibility, problem solving, friendliness, intelligence, leadership, enthusiasm, and a good sense of humor. Software Engineering My dream job is Software Engineering, Software engineering (SE) is concerned with developing and maintaining software systems that behave reliably and efficiently, are affordable to develop and maintain, and satisfy all the requirements that customers have defined for them. It is important because of the impact of large, expensive software systems and the role of software in safety-critical applications. It integrates significant mathematics, computer science and practices whose origins are in engineering. Focus on usability and maintainability of the code: the software is always better, is a well-designed, user-centered work. Excellent engineers work hard to make the system simple and practical. They believe that the customers all the time do not try to create something puzzling, can only be understood and appreciated by lovers. A discipline engineers that from the first line of code maintainability and evolution. Expression method and variable names allows the code is not self-evid ent. 1.1.1 Qualities Every Software Engineer Should Have Foundation of knowledge: Basic knowledge refers to knowledge of programming language syntax, relies entirely on the theory of memory and understanding of the book. Discipline: Although you may work on your passion, this love does not mean your work and for the next project, you can be sloppy. The attention to detail is important, but the ability to stay organized. So much bad code belongs to the developers, who do not do what they know should be done. Logical thinking ability: Half from the books, half from programming practice. Work experience: Is the accumulation of work experience Certifications: The IEEE (The worlds largest professional association of the advancement of technology), offers two of certifications which is Certified Software Development Professional and which is Certified Software Development Associate, and this type of certified must get from NCEES Professional Engineer Exam start from 2013. Math skills: Take advanced math courses, such as calculus, as well as any computer courses your high school may offer. Curiosity: The best software engineers are curious why these things are done one way or another, but the ability of the objective solution. Many engineers, we know that got him into trouble, things for the children to consider, in addition to see how they work. Put together software is a creative, artistic hobby many software engineers. Need to think outside the box design, this creativity and curiosity. What made you go to your pleasure make some of the work. Attention to detail: If youre angry misspelled database columns, annotated code items are not checked in to the source code control software unit testing, unrealized functions, and so on, then you might try to avoid these problems, you. Faulty installation package, deployment of sloppy or misspelled column name, can reduce overall system. Obsessed with the details, you will become a software star in his own way. Development of high quality: In previous times, the engineers that the test is beneath them. Today, experienced engineers know and understand the value of the test, because their goal is to create a working system. Is the best way to expose the error code and the elimination of the stellar. But a good engineer knows not waste time writing trivial or redundant tests, rather than to focus on the important part of the test each component. 1.1.2) People can help us to acquire the information Customers Services: We can get the information from the Software Engineering Company. Online Searching: We can surf the web and find what we want to search for College Lecture: As we study in college, we can ask the information from the college lecture to get the information. List of questions of asking the people How to become a Software Engineer? What is the personal qualities that to be a Software Engineer? How can I get the course for this subject? How long I can be a Software Engineer? Where can I get this job? How do you think of this job? (Software Engineer) What is my play role on company How long I can be a Software Engineer? 2.0) Conflict The `source of an interpersonal conflict is the underlying reason for the emergence of conflict. Understanding and conceptually organizing the sources of conflict can greatly help improve the chances of resolving the conflict. Understanding human behavior can help reveal the motivations of individuals involved in the conflict. While interest analysis illuminates the motivations of individual conflict participants, the process of identifying the sources of conflict illuminates the features of the relationship among conflict participants that foster conflict. 2.1) Identify the primary source of the conflict. Poor Communicate When the party believes it is missing some important information, according to the management of the library website, conflicts may arise. When employees change, they have not been told, or whether some of the decisions taken, the staff feel should be involved, which can make the conflicts between employees and managers. Different communication styles can lead to misunderstandings between employees or between employee and manager. 2.2) Do you think the other party would agree about the primary source of the conflict? Why or why not? Agree, The lack of a large scale, such as between management and staff, as well as smaller individual employees can communicate in the workplace. If you communicate effectively often leads to conflict, which may damage the organization. Poor communication may be created in a variety of ways in conflict. Rumors and gossip Miscommunication led to the spread of rumors and gossip, this will lead to tensions between the employees. If management failed to resolve the speculation that the company might lay off, for example, rumors may spread to certain employees or departments will be eliminated. Morale may deteriorate speculation continues, employees fear that they will lose their jobs may be disgusted with what they think is a more solid foundation. 2.3) Identify any secondary sources of the conflict Personal relationships Good working environment can be a stressful place, which can worsen, began to develop the personal differences between employees. Workplace conflicts, the main reason of interpersonal relationships, especially counterproductive, because whether it is at home or in the office, which may cause problems. The professional employment mediator website some employees bring pressure from their family life, work, and this may lead to a conflict between the workers and management personnel. Some personal conflicts of the University of Colorado in the United States, when an employee is unable to accept individual differences, which may involve things such as race, color, gender, religion or ethnic background. All work environments are made up of differing personalities. Unless colleagues understand and accept each others approach to work and problem-solving, conflict will occur. No two people are exactly the same. Therefore, the personality conflicts in the workplace are inevitable. An employee may have a reserved personality, while another may be more outgoing and forward-looking. Problems, the two do not understand or do not respect each persons inner essence. For example, employees may feel more outgoing personality is more introverted workers contempt, if not more with him. He might think it is a very small, not only is the personality of the staff. In addition, his practice handling the project may be analytical, and she is intuitive. When the two do not understand and respect each others way, and conflict. 2.4) How did each dimension affect the way the participants approached the conflict? Poor teamwork Companies tend to rely on the team to complete special projects, and even conventional functions into one department. If the team members do not communicate with each other, it may not be very clear what the roles and responsibilities of each member must bear. Some tasks may overlap, while others may be completely ignored, leading to confusion and conflict between team members, and ultimately failed to achieve the target Organization There are many organizations, the source of the conflict. In most workplace hierarchy and the inability to resolve the conflict of interest is quite major. Power difference of heightened tensions in the labor / management supervisor / employees. Style differences between the regulatory authorities may lead to conflict. May work style clashed qualification / young and pay equity conflict. Conflict may arise distribution of the allocation of resources, responsibilities, workload and interests, different levels of risk tolerance, and different views of the accountability system. In addition, the differences in treatment between the potential or actual departments or groups of employees, conflict may arise. Suggested that such a source of conflict for a thorough review of the workplace. Similarly, surveys, interviews and focus groups can help to reveal the root causes of these conflicts. In addition, the root causes of organizational conflict can be predicted based on the best practices of similar organizations. All organizations have encountered this conflict. Can learn a lot of lessons, and similar organizations to study the root causes of this conflict. Different values Workplace by individuals who have their own point of view to see the world. Some employees have a strong belief; they are not willing to compromise. These beliefs can conflict with colleagues, resulting in conflict. For example, if a person is strongly opposed to diversity in the workplace, may be difficult to accept his other workers. In order to avoid conflict with these workers, he must try to accept or initiate more tolerant of those different values. Poor performance When one or more individuals in the work of the unit does not perform potential this is not a solution does not work, conflict is inevitable. External conflict Sources outside the organization can be a reason for conflict between the employees. Company to successfully carryout business, staff must always be with external entities. Must be engaged in third-party vendors to buy goods or services. In addition, the interaction between the client and the client to generate revenue. This transaction is unusual communication failure. If a cool head does not prevail when these things happen, misunderstandings can be upgraded into a major conflict. A business owner must identify and correct these challenges, the financial implications of the deterioration in relations with suppliers and customers can be great. Interpersonal conflict Most people spend more time at work than any other place. Therefore, she no doubt with her à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹colleagues. However, this close relationship may lead to conflict. Language or personality disorders, caused by poor communication between the between groups of employees may lead to malicious. In addition, the office politics, gossip and durable other forms of non-work-related interaction may lead to a serious quarrel. Harassment or discrimination allegations have serious legal consequences, in addition, public enterprise financial risk. Therefore, it is important that a business owner is aware of the conflict between the people as soon as possible, so it can be in a friendly way to solve. 3.0)Conclusion The above definition of a good software developer will not apply a few years ago. If we are not agile, probably any good encoder can be considered to be a good development. But we. Today the IT world needs good agile software developers to analyze problems and look at them from a broader perspective, commercialization, and a desire to work in a team. If not their IT projects agile development methods can cannot handle. In addition, the social conflict, actively seeking alternative response to reward, rather than negotiating their needs, rather than competition and cooperation are often the satisfaction of people who are willing to accommodate the trend. Managers and leaders often return to their aggression, control method, rather than taking a more compassionate to the public or their staff may seem less decisive. In other cases, who raised questions and concerns, even respectful soon be considered a problem customers or staff, they tend to avoid and reduce. In these methods, to resolve the conflict through negotiations held analog and highest respect. Finally, we should remember that the negotiating parties require profound courage: It takes courage to honestly and clearly explain your needs; it takes courage to sit down and listen to your opponent. It takes courage to look at their own role in the dispute with the thinking of other transposition awareness, openness, and respect their point of view, it takes courage. Collaborative approach, conflict management, the requirements of the moment we are engaged in dialogue, a deep and meaningful way, so it can be understood, if we tend to avoid such cases until negotiations conducive to balanced wisdom prompted.

Soft skills using in public universities in Malaysia

Soft skills using in public universities in Malaysia Malaysians, especially the institutes of higher learning, begin to realize the importance of soft skills after the Higher Education Ministry introduced the Soft Skills Module to all public universities in August 2006. With the emphasis on soft skills, it has then become a necessity to integrate soft skills into the undergraduate programmes. Such remedial action is taken due to the increased of graduates unemployment rate in Malaysia, as well as the rapid expand of job market through the globalization. The graduates in education play a great role in the human capital development one of the utmost crucial aspects in developing our country. The power of our human capital is highly connected with the graduates mentality and intellectual capacity. Producing graduates in education with the essential elements of soft skills would heighten the countrys capability to compete with the rest of the world. This is a must if Malaysia aims to realize the vision of the New Economic Model, the Government Transformation Programme, and the 10th Malaysia Plan (2011 2015). Indeed, institutes of higher learning around the world indisputably are working their best to mould graduates with skills that are highly regarded by employers and able to contribute to the countrys prosperity and social capital. Even more important is, the society would generally expected that besides the solid theoretical knowledge (hard skills), a quality education graduate should acquire additional soft skills. This balance is what gives one graduate competitive edge over another. The term soft skills, which can also be referred as process skills, generic attributes or transferable skills, has no single definition on a particular set of skills. The general common descriptions of these skills include communication skills, life-long learning, team work, leadership, creative and critical thinking skills. All these qualities can be obtained beyond the classroom and of course, the textbooks. Thus, book education alone will no longer suffice in building successful educators. Besides equipping themselves with knowledge, it is also important that the graduates must acquire practical skills and good values. According to Chapman (2006), Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives comes with three learning domains: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Domains. The Cognitive Domain involves intellectual capability such as knowledge, whilst the Affective Domain involves feelings, emotions and behaviour just like attitude, and Psychomotor Domain involves manual and physical skills. Hence, the measurement of TESL undergraduates knowledge, skills, and attitude require appropriate tools, which are certainly more than just the traditional pen and paper. In Malaysian context, institutes of higher education are perceived as having a very important role in instilling soft skills to students. No doubt, it would be challenging in the attempts to offer an optimum learning environment. Still, it is crucial to get our students ready to compete with the rest in todays rapidly changing world. Students should be well-rounded academically and personally. In other words, besides knowing-what, students must know-how. Statement of the Problem The system and focus of education in Malaysia has witnessed immense changes over the past two decades. The nature of universities is changing in seeking to meet the new demands and needs of the industry from time to time. Furthermore, through the reinterpretation of the universitys purpose and role in the face of societys changing aspirations, universities have attempted to clarify the nature of the education which they offer to their students. This is crucial in order to extend their graduates potential of contribution to the society (Barnett 1990). The most evident attempt in which universities have sought to articulate their role and purpose is through the description of their graduates qualities, in another word, soft skills. The acquirement of soft skills is pivotal in terms of improving the nations development and curbing the latest issues in society, such as the increased rate of unemployment and complaints about graduates performances which are way below expectations. In 2005, the Malaysian government declared that there were 67,000 unemployed graduates, where most of them had graduated between 2000 and 2004. About 92.6% of these unemployed graduates were from public universities; in contrary, only 5.3% from private institutions. Even before the nation received this alarming news, the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER 2004) had announced the results of a survey on the employability and marketability of university graduates, showing that 46.2% of public university graduates were unemployed in 2003. The reasons cited for the low unemployment prospects of public university graduates are that they are inadequately prepared for the job market, lack linguistic (English proficiency, both oral and written) (Lim and Normizan 2004; Chiam 2005; Norizan et al. 2006; EPU 2007; Marina 2007) and technical skills, plus cognitive abilities (analytical thinking, problem-solving, reasoning). Many other countries have also recognized that higher education has not met the expectations of employers (Leckey and McGuigan 1997; Bennett et al. 1999; Kember et al. 2006). The issue of graduate employability seems to be associated with the quality and relevance of programmes offered by public universities (World Bank 2007). Apparently, the formal syllabus structure of public universities has inadequate focus on the integration of soft skills in the curriculum (see also Quek 2005; Quah et al. 2009). Not only that, the teaching approaches has also been mainly didactic, where the students are so used to receive inputs rather than discovering themselves. Studies, researches and employers have suggested it is important for the public universities to incorporate additional soft skills into their curriculum (communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving). By bridging the gaps between universities and the demands of current industry, it creates opportunity for students to be exposed with workplace experience in different sectors (World Bank 2007). Purpose of the Study The main objective of this research is to examine the perspective of TESL undergraduates on the most important soft skills for professional development. Secondly, the study also aimed to investigate the TESL undergraduates perception on the soft skills developed by University of Malaya. The last purpose is to identify if difference exists in the level of importance and competency in soft skills. Significance of the Study It is crucial for the government and public universities to improve the quality and employability of graduates. This study reviews the infusion-acquisition of the soft skills in the curriculum of TESL the undergraduates perspective. Hence, it provides the society a clearer picture on the current achievement of the university in bridging the gaps between soft skills and the formal curriculum. The study would show whether the graduates that the university produced possess a right balance of diverse abilities. Besides that, this study helps to gain wider attention on the importance of soft skills among the undergraduates. They would obtain greater realization that students are now both inputs and outputs (see also Newman et al. 2004), under the broad dimension of quality in higher education. Furthermore, it also increases recognition where student learning must be enhanced beyond the mastery of content. This is important as it ensures the graduates to succeed in the local labour market. Therefore, this paper aims to shed light on the importance of soft skills as perceived by TESL undergraduates on the role and values of these skills in educating the future educators, in an attempt to understand what value they attribute to this set of skills. Research Questions The research questions for this study are as follows: 1. What are the most important soft skills as perceived by TESL undergraduates? 2. How do TESL undergraduates perceive the soft skills development by University of Malaya? 3. What is the relationship between the importance of soft skills and the levels of soft skills developed? Background Literature Review What are soft skills? There are no specific skills that are listed as soft skills; it is being defined differently around the world. In the context of Malaysia, the Malaysian Institute of Higher Learning interprets soft skills as incorporating aspects of generic skills. It includes non-academic skills such as leadership, teamwork, communication, and lifelong learning. The seven traits of soft skills that are introduced for the institutes of higher learning in Malaysia are communication skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, lifelong learning and information management skills, leadership, entrepreneurship skill, team work, ethnics and morals. First, from the aspect of communication, students are required to achieve fluency while conversing in Bahasa Malaysia and English language. As graduates, they should be able to express their ideas with clarity and confidence both in written and oral forms. Aside from that, they are expected to be active listeners where while providing the necessary response. Graduates should also be capable of using technology during presentations confidently (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia 2006). The following trait, critical thinking and problem solving skills, allows graduates to reflect in a critical, creative, innovative, and analytical way. Not only that we want the graduates to obtain higher level of knowledge, we also want them to be capable in applying the knowledge. Elements that graduates must possess under this aspect are the ability to identify and analyze complex situation as well as making evaluations that are reasonable. In addition, they should have the ability to expand and improve thinking skills, to provide ideas, and alternative solutions (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia 2006). Apart from that, the skills of team work are also being integrated to the curriculum. Such skills involve the ability to work and cooperate with people from various social and cultural backgrounds in order to accomplish a shared goal. Forming a good working relationship with the peers is essential. Graduates are inculcated with sense of respect towards others attitude, behaviour, and belief. From time to time, graduates are also expected to undertake the role of a leader and a group member interchangeably (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia 2006). In addition to that, from the aspect of lifelong learning and information management, graduates are nurtured to acquire skills and knowledge in practicing self-directed learning independently. They should have the skills to look for relevant information from diverse sources and able to organize them efficiently. Moreover, they should be responsive to new ideas and able to develop an inquiry mind (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia 2006). Entrepreneurship skill, also one the traits of soft skills, involves the ability to venture into business and work-related opportunities while creating risk awareness. This skill includes the ability to identify business opportunities and be able to prepare, build, and explore business plans which eventually leads to self-employment (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia 2006). Aside from that, ethics and professional moral is significant in moulding quality graduates as well. With the above skill, graduates are able to practice high moral standards in their respective professional fields. Graduates should own the capability to understand the effects of economy, environment, and socio-cultural factors of their professional practice. In relation to ethical issues, graduates should have the capacity to analyze and make decisions in matters concerning ethics. Beyond the working environment, graduates should be able to practice good ethics while being responsible towards the society (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia 2006). Last but not least, the Malaysian Institute of Higher Learning also seeks to develop leadership skill Leadership skill entails the ability to lead in various activities. Graduates should have the knowledge on basic leadership theories which will enable the graduates to lead a project. It is also essential that graduates are able to understand the role of a leader and a group member and be able to carry out those roles interchangeably (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia 2006). The Pre-Employment Programme of the University Malaya Soon after the Malaysian Institute of Higher Learning has launched the Soft Skills Module for Malaysian Public Universities, in 2007, University of Malaya has introduced Pre-Employment Programme for graduates who scored below CGPA 3.0. The objective of this programme is to encourage the use of English in and beyond the classrooms setting. It is also strive to develop communication skills in English but also to motivate cooperative learning. The aims of the curriculum and activities designed for this programme are to assist students to write effective letters of application, to conduct themselves favourably at interviews, and to improve their fluency and accuracy in English. Furthermore, it aims to prepare the students to be more confident and train them as active communicators at the workplace. In the pre-employment programme, communication skills are being improved by the reading of advertisements as well as to learn and using social greetings. The graduates would practice telephone conversations, role playing, make speeches, and express their opinions and suggestions. Plus, they would learn the use of discourse markers and persuasive skills in interpersonal communication, grammar and vocabulary as well as writing cover letters and resumes. The graduates would also have to participate in public speaking and stage presentation. Apart from that, this programme promotes cooperative learning among the graduates. They are divided into small groups with different gender, ethnics and backgrounds. Being in smaller groups enables the graduates realize that each group members efforts are required and indispensable for group success; they should know everyone has a unique contribution to make. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are also learnt through the group activities. Friendly competitions are created between groups to identify the group with the best solution. Groups with the best solution and with the most critical ideas would be announced as winners. Such competition between the groups helped to develop not only the communication and negotiation skills in English, but also the inter-personal and small group skills, where social skills such as leadership skills, decision making, trust building, communication, and conflict management skills are learnt and developed as well. Teaching Practicum Teacher training or teaching practicum can assist in bridging the gap that exists between education and employment. It has become a recognized method for developing the carrier potential of students and making education more relevant (Hymon-Parker Smith, 1998). Teaching practicum presents the student with an opportunity to gain invaluable experience. Classroom learning alone is no longer sufficient to adequately prepare students for the demands of our education field. The right training can be the key to a great job success because it gives the student a change to take on real responsibilities while working side-by-side with professionals. According to Dennis (1996, as cited in Verney, Holoviak, Winter, 2009), internships can help expand upon immediate skills that can improve course performance, such as better time management and communication skills, better self-discipline, heightened initiative and an overall better self-concept. These skills cannot be properly developed if it is just from classroom learning. In University of Malaya, TESL undergraduates will have the opportunity to personally experience the real working culture during the final year for 12 weeks. Mihail (2006) asserted that job training can instill the real work values, gain direct access to job sources, impress potential employers and assist in making wise career choices, all of which can help to improve future job opportunities. Hence, in order to compete and survive in the challenging and competitive working environment, students must develop their work skills, both hard and soft through real work experience. This real work experience has been employed by the education system in developing soft skills in students. The real job setting is expected to enhance students soft skills effectively. Research also suggested that the development of any skill is best facilitated by giving students practice and not by simply talking about it or demonstrating how to do it (D.R. Woods, et al., 1997 as cited in Kamsah, 2006). A study by Cook, Parker and Pettijohn (2004) has shown that job training has improved the general ability to get along with people in work situations, increased confidence level and influenced the future career of the graduates. Furthermore, collective feedback obtained from the evaluations can also be used to revise the curriculum in order to improve student performance and meet employers needs and expectations in the future. Issues such as the lack of practical application as commented by the employers can be minimized and the students can develop various applied workplace skills for transition from the classroom to the world of work. Therefore, with the teaching practicum, development of soft skills among TESL graduates is projected to be more effective. Perception of graduates towards soft skills According to the study of Devadason, Subramaniam, and Daniel (2010), the general perspectives of final undergraduates in University of Malaya shows that the skills embedded in both coursework and training has not met the needs of the students, with the exception for a few skills. This implies that these skills are not adequately infused or acquired either by coursework or training. Plus, their perception also shows that there is insufficient of infusion and acquisition on lifelong learning and information management skills. This reveals a lack of dynamism in the existing programmes of public universities. Courses should be structured to cultivate lifelong learning through active reading and research beyond textbook learning. The result also shows that there is insufficient of integration of leadership skills in the formal curriculum. In fact, this skill is perceived as a critical weakness of local graduates (Quah et al. 2009). In total, the perceived low and selective appreciation of skills by students implies that graduates are still ill-equipped with the necessary competencies. It reflects that there is indeed a need to readdress the existing strategies within the teaching-learning process to ensure a better integration of soft skills. The findings of selective acquisition of certain soft skills in Malaysian universities correspond to the study by Aida et al. (2006). The current situation that happens to Malaysia is many students are equipped with the latest technical certifications and solid work experience; yet lacking the non-technical skills (Kamsah, 2006). While graduating, students may enhance their employability by obtaining an extra degree or certificates, they may not realize on the payoff in acquiring soft skills until after graduating (Brown, Hesketh, Williams, 2003). Another research by Kamsah (2007) indicates that the graduates of University Technology Malaysia believe that each of the soft skills is developed moderately. Therefore, more effort should be put in to empower soft skills among the students through co curricular activities or even during the teaching and learning processes. The university graduates happen to realize that critical thinking and problem solving skills as well as the team working skills are essential to survive the working field. Both domains are viewed as equally important for professional development. Aside from that, from a graduate perspective, soft skills are seen as being deficient in graduates relative to hard skills (Arnold Davey, 1994; Mullen, 1997) although Strebler (1997) notes that technical or hard skill are perceived by graduates as being relatively more critical for getting a job. Similarly, soft skills are generally viewed as less important by academics in comparison with workplace professionals (Page, Wilson, Kolb, 1993). Whereas, Arnold and Davey (1994) note that as graduates spend longer in industry, they rate themselves as more competent in their hard skills but not soft skills. Methodology The main objective of this research is to examine the perspective of TESL undergraduates on the most important soft skills for professional development. Secondly, the study also aimed to investigate the TESL undergraduates perception on the soft skills developed by University of Malaya. The last purpose is to identify if difference exists in the level of importance and competency in soft skills. These objectives led to the following research questions: 1. What are the most important soft skills as perceived by TESL undergraduates? 2. How do TESL undergraduates perceive the soft skills development by University of Malaya? 3. What is the relationship between the importance of soft skills and the levels of soft skills developed? Population and Sampling The population for this research is defined as the TESL undergraduates in University of Malaya. The undergraduates participation in the study would be of voluntary. Selecting TESL undergraduates as the participants creates rich authenticity data for this research. The future teachers of English play significant role in nation building; therefore, their perspectives on soft skills are very much appreciated and valuable. The selected site for this research is University of Malaya. Choosing the oldest and one of the most established universities in Malaysia enhances the research data by reflecting the perspectives of the undergraduates from the university. At the same time, the suitable location and comfortable setting of University of Malaya greatly allows the research to progress smoothly.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing the Artwork of Dr. Seuss and Rube Goldberg Essay -- Compare

Comparing the Artwork of Dr. Seuss to the Artwork of Rube Goldberg Dr. Seuss has an interesting background that is often overlooked. Many fans do not know that the beloved children’s book author actually began his career drawing cartoons for magazines and advertisements (â€Å"The Advertising Artwork of Dr. Seuss†). In many of his advertisements and children’s books he has amazing elaborate machines that complete different tasks. This aspect of his artwork has many similarities to another famous cartoonist, Rube Goldberg. In this essay I will be comparing the artwork of Dr. Seuss to the artwork of Rube Goldberg. For those who are not familiar with Rube Goldberg here is a very brief background on the famous cartoonist. Rube Goldberg had many talents; he was a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, a sculptor and an author (â€Å"Rube Goldberg Biography†). Born in San Francisco in 1883 his father had big plans for Rube to become an engineer. Rube became an engineer only to work as one for a short time. He had other plans; plans to become an artist. Eventually Rube got a job in New York drawing cartoons for the Evening Mail. Rube became a founding member of the National Cartoonist Society. He was a successful political cartoonist and a Pulitzer Prize winner. Rube Goldberg is best known for his â€Å"Inventions† cartoons. Goldberg’s inventions show wacky, complex ways to complete somewhat meaningless tasks much like Seuss’s â€Å"inventions† in many of his books. A good comparison of the way that Goldberg may have influenced Dr. Seuss can be seen in Seuss’s famous book, The Cat in the Hat. On page fifty-six we see the Cat’s great machine that he uses to pick up his messes. The Cat shows a very complex way of picking up his â€Å"playthings†. The wonder... it is extremely easy to see Goldberg’s influence on Seuss. Seuss created a very complex machine for the simple task of applying make-up. Other examples of Seuss’s inventions exist in some of his children’s books. These books include: The Cat in the Hat, The Butter Battle Book, and The Sneeches. There are probably many more; it seems that with every turn of a page one can find some sort of wacky Seuss invention. To see the pictures of Rube Goldberg's work go to To see the pictures of Dr. Seuss's Advertising art work go to Works Cited: â€Å"Rube Goldberg Biography† The official Rube Goldberg Website. 8 April 2003. 20 April 2003. â€Å"The Advertising Artwork of Dr. Seuss†. 20 April 2003.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Aerosol Spray Cans :: essays research papers fc

Aerosol Spray Cans   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Spray cans produce an aerosol, the technical term for a very fine spray. They do this by means of a pressurized propellant, which is a liquid that boils at everyday temperatures. Inside the can, a layer of gaseous pressure increased, and eventually it becomes so high that boiling stops. when the nozzle is pressed, the gas pressure forces the product up the tube in the can and out of the nozzle in a spray or foam. The propellant may emerge as well but, now under less pressure, it immediately evaporates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First patented in the US in 1941, aerosol spray cans have been used as convenient packages for an ever increasing range of products including paints, insecticides, and shaving cream to name a few. The can is filled with the product to be sprayed and the propellant, a compressed gas such as butane or Freon. The gas is partly liquefied by the pressure in the can, but there is a layer of free gas above the liquid. As the can empties liquefied gas vaporizes to fill the space.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The valve is normal held shut by the pressure in the can, and by the coil spring directly below the valve stem. When the push button is pressed, it forces the valve stem down in its housing, uncovering a small a small hole which leads up through the stem to the nozzle in the button. This allows the product to be forced up the dip tube by the gas pressure in the can. The nozzle is shaped to give a spray or a continuous stream.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To produce a fine mist, a propellant is used which mixes with the product. The two leave the nozzle together and the propellant evaporates a soon as it reaches the air, breaking the product in to tiny droplets. The same technique used with a more viscous liquid and a wider nozzle results in a foam. For a continuous stream of liquid or more viscous material, a nonmixing propellant is used, and the dip tube reaches into the product.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The widespread use of aerosol cans using Freon as the propellant led scientists to believe by the late 1970s that the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, which filters out harmful Ultraviolet radiation from the sun, could be destroyed by the large quantities of fluorocarbons in the gas being release into the air. Federal controls were introduced to ban the use of Freon, and other propellants are now employed, notably butane which, however is dangerously flammable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Among young people in United States, conventional drug or alcohol abuse has given away-for an increasing number of teen-agers-to a practice called

First Date in A Bad Restaurant :: essays papers

First Date in A Bad Resteraunt It was a beautiful fall evening. The sun was just beginning to give way to incoming twilight. I could smell winter in the air, even through my closed window. Soon there'd be snow on the ground. Matchbox Twenty was playing on my clock radio." I want to push you around...† The mood was set for a soft autumn night. However the mood inside my room was quite different. I was running around trying to do a million things a one time. My makeup was all wrong for my outfit. My hair was too big, no, now too flat. My stomach was rolling inside itself. My poor tummy was on tumble dry and I couldn't quite get it to stop. I couldn't find my shoes; my shirt had foundation on the side. What I really wanted to do was to sit on my bed and cry. Brian had called twenty minutes before the chaos. I could not believe he had called me. He probably thought I was stupid because I was so tongue-tied. He asked me if I would mind coming to dinner with him and a few of his friends. Would I mind? Do cows moo? The horn honked. My frustration grew. If this was a real date, my first one ever, shouldn't he come to the door and pick me up? Maybe take my arm in his and lead me to the car? I had envisioned my first date to at least start off right. This must be an omen. I walked out the door. The moment I heard the click of the lock I knew I looked horrible. A million thoughts raced through my mind, among these were the fact that I should have worn the blue shirt, my hair looks horrible, and oh God everyone is watching me. I tried to hide the sheer gut-retching fear that was boiling in my stomach. I had to do this. I was in too deep to turn and run now. My sweet chariot of the night was a 1988 van. Rust covered the bumper and half of the door. The color of had once been maroon, however had now faded to a slight orange color. Alternative rock boomed from the less then quality speakers. There were at least 6 people in the car, and it was rocking from side to side, in time to the beat.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Women in Advertising

Women in Advertising Irwin Allen Ginsberg; an American poet once said, â€Å"Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture. † The media constantly expresses images of the ideal female body. All women have their own individual set of attributes and characteristics, however, the media continuously tries to spread what they feel is the universal standard of what a woman should look like. One might argue, that the images put out by the media strongly affect our generation and the way in which we perceive ourselves. Ginsberg’s statement reminded me of a television advertisement produced by Carl’s Jr.This advertisement featured swimsuit model Kate Upton eating a burger in the backseat of an old school looking car. The advertisement was exceedingly sexually suggestive and showed a substantial amount of unsuitable sex appeal. Carl’s Jr. has acquired quite the reputation of producing these overtly sexual advertisements. Advertisements such as this ar e damaging today’s generation’s mental and physical state of being. In America, we are surrounded by a society that is primarily consumed by sex. With that being said, there are thousands of companies that produce risky advertisements to compete for the attention of viewers such as Carl’s Jr.With regards to the Kate Upton advertisement, the first thing that caught my eye upon viewing this ad is Upton wearing lace under garments scantily covered by a short polka dot dress. The revealing dress shows off her legs and hangs loosely off her shoulder ultimately exposing her bra and cleavage. The range of positions she lies in throughout the ad goes from innocent to offensive. Upton begins removing the South West Patty Melt from its wrapping and starts to slowly consume the burger in her car. After taking the first taste, Upton starts her high-speed strip tease.For the remaining thirty seconds, the camera moves up and down the parts of her body that are revealed by her dress. She unexpectedly begins sweating all over her body, which makes a direct reference to sex. Upton’s elusive hip movements add to the theme of sex, and serve to sidetrack the viewer from the actual burger itself. Upton’s face looks incredibly pleased as if she is fulfilled with the burger she is advertising but upon close examination, you see that the burger has not been bitten into. Furthermore, this indicates that the intent of this Carl’s Jr. advertisement is to sell sex in addition to the burger itself.The content in this advertisement implies that women cannot only be healthy but also sexually fantasized individuals by purchasing the southwest patty melt. In actuality, the opposite of that implication is often true. The obvious issue in this advertisement is that women rarely consume burgers the size of the one Upton is advertising. More importantly, eating a burger of that size is filled with calories and will not make those women who do resemble Upt on physically. Women are incredibly sensitive to their body image and easily perceive the body images media creates. Therefore, this advertisement may be perplexing to female viewers.In the journal Adolescent Evaluation of Gender Role and Sexual Imagery in Television Advertisements authors Donna Rouner and Michael Slater provide readers with insight on a study they conducted; the results portion states, â€Å"Exposure to advertising with idealized images of physical attractiveness will at least temporarily lower female viewers’ self perceptions of physical worth and self being. †(438) With that being said, adolescent females and adult women viewing this advertisement compare themselves to this excessively sexy yet highly idealized model and begin to feel dissatisfied with their own physical appearance.Furthermore, the fact that the feeling of temporary self-loath takes place when viewing advertisements such as the one produced by Carl’s Jr. is chilling. Many ado lescent females sit in front of their television screens and are bombarded with hundreds of advertisements each day. When advertisements like this appear, the message getting out to them is, in order for you to be desirable or considered beautiful you must reveal certain parts of your body and act in an incredibly sexual manner. This corrupts the minds of young women. Thus, one might say that the targeted audience for this advertisement is men or male adolescents.According to Carol M. Sheperd, a professor at National University, â€Å"Sexiness of an advertisement causes viewers to remember the ad, and thus the product. †(2) With that being said, though Upton’s advertisement stirred up quite the controversy last year, it was successful in getting people to talk about the ad due its extreme sexual content. More importantly, it got people to go out and buy the Southwest Patty Melt. Nonetheless, Carl’s Jr. uses the pathos rhetorical appeal in this advertisement to e voke certain feelings out of viewers.Upton’s sexually suggestive actions induce emotional responses from her predominately male audience, such as feelings of arousal and even desire. The use of pathos in this ad can go either way when it comes to its effectiveness. When viewing this advertisement a consumer could be paying attention to the high levels of sex appeal and disregard all other elements of the ad, like the actual burger Upton is advertising. Conversely, the appeal of sex can heighten the chance of an advertisement succeeding because it attracts the customer's attention.In the journal Ethics in Advertising: Sex Sells, but should it? Author Jessica Dawn Blair states: â€Å"The use of sexual appeals in the study seemed to detract from the processing and retention of message arguments. However, it did appear that the recipients would focus their attention more on the execution of ads using the type of appeal. † (112) It is our human nature to be curious about se x. Sex in addition to attractive women in advertisements often sells more than advertisements that do not use this appeal. What does that have to say about our society?The objectification of women in sexual advertisements does nothing but teach the youth of this generation that it is okay to overly sexy and in fact, it is encouraged. That is where the problem lies. These companies want to desperately appeal to their viewers and majority of them do not care if they are sending out the wrong message as long as the product gets sold. Overall, our country has based a vast majority of advertisements on sex appeal to sell their products to the targeted audience of predominately males.For the most part, women have been subjected to the role of playing â€Å"pieces of meat† to men. The objectification of women in advertising has extreme physiological consequences. It has the potential to make women think of themselves in the way in which they are portrayed and it causes them to engag e in self-loath or depression. Advertisements such as Kate Upton’s put out a negative viewpoint on women. It is crucial that we reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. Change starts from within and we have to step up as women, take the lead and reach as high as feasibly possible.Works Cited Blair, Jessica Dawn. â€Å"Ethics in Advertising: Sex Sells, but Should it? † Journal of Legal Ethical and Regulatory Issues 9. 1 (2006): 109-18. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. Carl’s Jr. Advertisement. New York Daily New. N. p. , 1 Mar. 2012. Web. 3 Mar. 2013 Rouner, Donna, Michael D. Slater, and Melanie Domenech-Rodriguez. â€Å"Adolescent Evaluation Of Gender Role And Sexual Imagery In Television Advertisements. † Journal Of Broadcasting ; Electronic Media 47. 3 (2003): 435-454. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Mar. 2013.